Monday, March 22, 2010

St. Paddy's Day

St. Patrick's Day came and it was relatively quiet this year. It was Wednesday, which meant Todd was out for "Mensday" and the girls were over for "Ladies Night." Luke always loves Ladies Night because of the attention from all the ladies. Auntie Jen loves to tickle Luke, mostly because of the belly laughter - we all love his good, hearty laugh.

This picture threw me - I can't believe how old Luke looks. He looks like he's ready to walk out the door and head on to preschool. When did Luke grow up? I know . . . he's two. But he's talking so much and he's so independent. I'm so proud of my Luke - he's so much fun!

On that night, he learned how to mimic Auntie Jen and say "Peace Out." The video is long, but you get it pretty quickly.

Sick sick sick. Bleh.

A few weeks ago, we all were hit with the GERMS. The whole family has a pretty decent immune system due to two teachers and day care (Super Immunity!!) so we stay pretty healthy. Unfortunately, when the Germies come, they really come.

The weekend before, I started going downhill on Saturday; then Todd joined me feeling blech-y on Sunday. Poor Luke - I'm glad he's so independent. He really kept himself entertained as Todd and I were sprawled out on the couch all day. We still felt bleh on Monday, but Todd stayed home and I went to work. By Wednesday, Luke had come down with what I had, so by Thursday, I stayed home with him.

Of course, Luke loves loves loves sick days. Mommy or Daddy stays home, no rushing out the door at some awful hour, getting to stay in our jammies all day. (Quite frankly, I don't mind sick days either!) And he gets to watch tv - just to keep him calm and not running around like a crazy kid.

So he will lay down for short periods of time to watch tv and he loves to get bundled up in a blanket. Apparently we always ask if he's "toasty" after bundling up because he now just says "Ooh! Toasty!"

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Run Luke, Run!

This week has been absolutely gorgeous! The sun was shining, the days were warm, and after the time change, we've had longer days. It has certainly given the whole family much needed pep after the cold and rain.

On the way home, I noticed that Luke had already taken off his shoes, which was exactly how I was feeling. Once we made it home, off came the socks and we were running on the grass.

Luke's curiosity is becoming apparent, the more vocal he has become. He discovered ants marching along and he proceeded to sit down and have a conversation with them. I didn't catch it all (he talks so fast!) but I do know that he introduced himself and me, asked them how they were doing, etc. He became a little too excited and smooshed a few. Whoops.

It's been a long time coming, Spring! Glad to see you!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cutie cutie

So I have pictures to follow of Luke enjoying the beautiful spring weather, but I thought I'd toss in an ancedote out there to fill up the space.

Picking up Luke from daycare is always an experience - he's very emotional, whether he's thrilled to see me and bouncing off the walls, or sobbing hysterically because he has to leave his friends. Yesterday, he was really just silly and loopy and I couldn't get him to stay still long enough to get his shoes on.

One of his friends was leaving at the same time, daughter of a fellow teacher and 3 months (to the day!) older than Luke. We told them to hug each other goodbye, which they promptly did. It really is adorable to watch two-year-olds hug. After the hug, Luke grabbed her by the face and planted a big ol' kiss square on her mouth. Ker-pow! She didn't even know what hit her. :)

And that, is my cute 2 year old story of the day. Which is good to remember because he was an awful pill for the rest of the day.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


We have a life full of bonks. He looks totally normal here, happy, cheerful, full of "cheese!" But less than 5 minutes before we had a "super bonk."

My little Quasimodo.

Mostly the bonks end up being bonks on the head. Our face/skull catches our every fall. For this bonk in particular, neither of us saw exactly what happened. We guess that the corner of the wall caught Luke's fall this time. There were tears - lots and lots of tears. That being said, he cried for like, 2 minutes, tops. He become super-focused on the "boo boo buddy" - the frozen gel pack that you put on bonks. He wanted to call the boo boo buddy a baseball, but it was really a football, etc. By the time our debate was finished, he had forgotten about the bonk.

I didn't though - it was super huge and gross. The bonk has subsided today quite a bit, but its still bruised, of course. Luke is totally fine - he recovers incredibly quickly from all these bonks.

"Cheese Mommy! I wanna see!"

Focused on the Cars, instead of the owie.

Ketchup Vampire

As most American kids, Luke adores ketchup. Anything eaten with ketchup is really just a vehicle for the ketchup to get to the mouth. Most of the time, my goal is for him to not just dip his fork in the ketchup and eat it.

He looked like a little Ketchup Vampire this week - he did wipe his face a little by the time I got to the camera. (Not fast enough, Mommy!)

Sick sick sick

We all spent the majority of last week sick. I started the Saturday before and Todd picked it up on Sunday. Poor Luke - both of us were laid out on the couch all day Sunday while he ran around. We were of no use to anyone!

Todd was worse than I was, so I went to work on Monday and Todd stayed home. Luke started showing signs on Tuesday, but was able to make it through day care on Wednesday. But by Wednesday night, he was done. He had Daddy's fever and Mommy's cough. I stayed home with Luke on Thursday and Grandma was kind enough to watch Luke on Friday.

There is always a silver lining to everything, and the "sick" silver lining is being able to watch exorbitant amounts of TV. (particularly "Little Einsteins") So he goes on the couch, grabs Sally and I tuck him in. Apparently, both Todd and I say "toasty" after tucking in the blankets, but it surprised me when he said, "Oooh! Toasty!"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Luke loves to read - quite a variety. Our current favorites:

The Very Busy Spider - by Eric Carle
Luke says all the animal names, their voices and a few words about what the animal asks the spider to do.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (aka "Mickey House") Christmas Eve (yup, we're still reading it)
Luke can name all of the Fab Five really well, including Clarabelle ("Clarebell!), though he does call Pluto "Tito."

No More Diapers for Ducky
Luke has now started staying whole sections of the story - as seen in the video clip. "I told you Piggy, I'm sitting on the potty!" and then laughs hysterically. He also kicks the diaper away, just like Ducky.

Please note, there's a freak out moment at the end of the clip where he rips the book. YIKES.


That's right.
Two. Sallys.

Our pediatrician advised us while Luke was still young, to invest in at least two 'lovies' - whenever we found out what he attached himself to. The first attachment was to "Buddy" the caterpillar (rest his soul) as Luke could suck on his antenna without having to hold him. Buddy was lost (rest his soul) and we learned our lesson when I couldn't find another Buddy.

When we discovered how much Luke loved Sally, we bought a few more. 3, in fact: 1 for home, 1 for the car and 1 for daycare. Later, when we attempted to introduce a new Sally (and a "used" Sally) after the 3 were getting . . . icky, it was not received well. So, we've been hanging with rotating the two we have and hoping that they don't completely fall apart.

So during the moving chaos, Luke ended up with both Sallys. He wouldn't give either up, so he was perfectly content with both Sallys.

Happy Birthday Uncle D!

We went to Benihana's for Uncle Dan's birthday, which is a popular choice. Not so, for the 2 year old. Yikes! Too long of a wait, too long of a show. But Mommy was happy - yummy yummy food! Luke at more pretzels before the meal than his actual meal, but he obliged Mommy with a picture in a "chef's" hat.

Collin was just being funny - silly kid!

There is a part of me that rejects Benihana coming into the digital age. No more Polaroids? Boo hiss.

What I Don't Miss . . .

Now that our move is a few months past (and the security deposit return has been cashed) its a good time to reflect on what our old home was, and likewise, wasn't.

When we were moving back in 2007, we had decided to get out of the apartment that we hated and into a place that was more "home" like that was still in our budget. We found our little place on Merry Lane and were thrilled with it. It was what we needed at the time and fit our lives, especially as Luke came along.

But there were problems that came along with it, so it was a good time to say goodbye.

Goodbye roof, so leaky, so new
Goodbye yellow countertops,
that stains would cling to.

Goodbye walls o' wood
that I tried to cover
Goodbye prestained carpet
I could not recover.

Goodbye bordello curtains
I couldn't wait to hide
Goodbye curtains o' lace
I couldn't like if I tried.

Oh the windows so drafty
The fireplace uber cold
I couldn't stay there
Once we found the mold.

Goodbye Merry Lane
With your loud music next door
Goodbye sharing walls
And the ghetto Safeway store.

Hello Stardust Lane
So beautiful and fancy
Moving here was the best!
I just feel so . . . dance-y?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Scenes from a Two Year Old

Scene: Breakfast. Luke and Daddy sitting at the table. Luke eating cereal, Daddy encouraging focus on eating. Mommy in the kitchen, doing . . . kitchen-y things.

I love you juice. (kisses juice.)
I love you spoon. (kisses spoon.)

Luke, what is "love"?

(thoughtful pause, then points to Mommy in kitchen)
Mommy love.

(auto tears activate)
I love you, Luke.

I love you Mommy.
I love you juice. (kisses juice.)

And so Luke continues on with his world of language. Our pediatrician told us that while Luke is certainly chatty, all of the sudden, the words will just explode out of him. And the last few weeks, we have seen a huge improvement in vocabulary, pronounciation and enthusiasm.

Scene: Mommy picking Luke up for daycare. Luke comes to the door crying hysterically. He does not want to leave.

Luke, we need to go now.

Noooooooooooooo! (*hysterical sob*) I don wanna!

Do you want to see Gramma and Pappa?

(all crying ceases)
Collin and Gracie?

I don't think so, sweetie. (immediately regret choice)

(cue hysterical crying)

Uhhh . . . we'll see.

(all crying ceases.)

Scene: Luke has been wrangled to the car, heading for home.

Mom, can we see Collin?

(feeling ultimately proud of her two year old speaking in a grammatically correct 5 word sentence, but hates to lead him on . . .)
We'll see. I like your nice sentence!

Mom, can we see Collin?

We'll see. Should we see Gramma and Pappa? I like your nice complete sentence!
(quickly, before he can ask again, begins to sing)

"A sentence sentence sentence is complete complete complete
When five simple rules it meets meets meets."
(and so on)
Teacher brain switches on to distract toddler.

Later that evening . . .

Gramma and Pappa's house. Date night for Mommy and Daddy (sweet!) Luke playing happily.

Okay sweetie - give kisses and say bye bye, Mommy and Daddy are going.

(cue hysterical crying) (note: its been a busy day)

Luke, Luke, you're fine!

(continues hysterical crying)
(Struggles against Gramma holding him)

Just get going he's fine.

Mommy and Daddy:
Luke, you're not leaving, Mommy and Daddy are.

(cease hysterical crying)

Gets down, goes and plays. Promptly ignores Mommy and Daddy.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Luke at 2

We were tired of Luke's mullet-ish hair, but are just not interested in spending a ton at the kids haircut "salon" that we used to. So we buzzed him. He was not excited about that, but he sure looked cute after. Now Daddy and Luke have matchy-matchy haircuts.

Luke is now very much two. He is definitely still a chatterbox and will really use his words to get what he wants, ie: "more chicken pleeeeeeeeze" or "knee hurts. kisses pleeeeeeeze" or "that tickle Mommy!"He is still very much in Cars (obviously) and acts out the movie with his toy cars that he received as a birthday gift.

Luke had embarked on potty training (self-motivated), doing a great job, but then just . . . stopped. Because we're shooting for preschool this fall, we're back on the potty training . . . train. Luke decided he wanted to try the potty tonight and after being directed by the pediatrician to let him have his "space" (ie: no one needs a Potty Cheerleader), I left. (cue laughter)

I swear, I wasn't even gone a minute. Luke stood up from the potty and shot straight ahead. And where did he shoot, you ask? Right on the new bathroom rug, of course.

The joys of having a boy.

But Luke is a funny funny kid - I appreciate his sense of humor and his empathy. At daycare, whenever anyone gets in trouble, he apologies to Miss Helen. "I sorry Miss Hellen. I sorry." And then gives hugs. And when he peed on the floor? "I sorry Mommy. I sorry." Then he kissed my knee.

He is my sweetie pie - even if he does pee on the floor.