Thursday, December 20, 2012


I'm so glad my mother in law is awesome and took pictures, because I took no pictures at Thanksgiving. That's right. My daughter's first Thanksgiving and nothing.  I was busy with other things. 

Lily dressed up in a special outfit from Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa (which was beautiful) and then had a little photo shoot.  She is such a happy baby - lots of smiles and giggles now.  This is my favorite part of having an infant - they give smiles away like they are worth nothing, but to everyone else, they are worth everything!

The long and the short of it:

  • Thanksgiving dinner was delicious and amazing.  
  • Baby Lily was sweet and adorable. 
  • Luke ran around like his pants were on fire (at least we were outside).  
  • All the family stepped in to help Luke run out of energy (he went through at least 6 adults before he got remotely tired).
  • Todd and I were given a break. Woo hoo!  Nana drove Luke home so that Todd and I would have some quiet, couple time.  I will call that 30 minute drive a date. Sweet!

And now Christmas is right around the corner.  Tomorrow is my last day before break and I couldn't be more excited to have two weeks at home with my family.  While my job certainly has challenges, I can't beat the two week break for the holidays. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

My Secret Santa GETS me.

Note: My Secret Santa knows me so well.

I came in this morning to find a bottle of homemade Cranberry-Lime Infused Vodka.

It is going to be helpful this Winter Break.

By the way, my Secret Santa is my desk-neighbor, Allison, who clearly listens when I talk about what I like!

Happy Friday, everyone!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

So let's be totally honest.  Things have been tough lately.  More difficult than I ever EVER imagined that I would be faced with in my life.  I am sad, angry, frustrated, disheartened and often feel lost.  I am so grateful for my family during all of this.  I'm grateful for work, which has become a bit of an escape.  At some point, I'll go into it a little more (a cathartic experiment, I suppose) which is why the blog will soon be going private.  

Until then, I will be thankful for the little things.  Things like Secret Santa at work.  I'll be the first to admit that I didn't really want to be a part of the Secret Santa exchange - a gift for someone, everyday?!? The cost, the effort, the time?!?! But I wanted to be a "team player" and be a part of it.  Granted, I know the names of the teaching staff, but I haven't gotten to know everyone yet.  So I was hesitant and resistant. But I signed up anyways.

Who knew I would love it? I get something cute on my desk every morning.  It really makes me feel a little special and a little bit of joy every morning.  I don't know who my Secret Santa buddy is, but they know me so well! I love my little seasonal water cups and so today was a Christmas cup with a snowglobe inside. Seriously.  And the "alcoholic" Crystal Light packets -  I swear, the margarita Crystal Light got me through being pregnant during the summer.  I love the little decorations and the bow - it is adorable. 

So I had to share it, because some days, this is all I've got that doesn't include stress, worry and anxiety.

On a side note, if you are interested in receiving a Bickel Christmas card this year, click on the link to the right (Christmas card mailing list) and it will take you to a form to fill out with your info.  If you have moved in the last year or didn't get a Christmas card last year, please let me know your info!