The Friday before Mother’s Day was a tough one. It wasn’t good on any front – tough in my class: the Spring Program Dress Rehearsal was NOT good. Not. Not. Not. Luke had a tough day at school. I was not feeling successful on any front: work, home, family, bleh bleh bleh.
So imagine my surprise when a beautiful bouquet was delivered on Friday after getting home from work. I have never had flowers delivered to me before and I was so excited (and hormonal) and immediately after reading the card from Todd and Luke, I completely burst into tears. Yikes. Poor Luke. Daddy wasn’t home yet and Luke didn’t know what to do with a crying mommy that should be happy since she got a present.
Oh, my Luke . . . the road to understanding women is long and convoluted. I’m just trying to prepare you. So I was sent a beautiful bouquet of lilies – none of them had opened yet. The next week, Luke was so excited to announce when the individual flowers would be blooming.

Todd also sent along a little teddy bear and a box of chocolates. Luke absconded with the bear pretty quickly and well, the chocolates didn’t last long. The “Greatest Mom” decoration is actually a magnet to use after the bouquet is done.

The good news? The flowers are still blooming well over a week after delivery. Impressive.