It was a fun visit to the pumpkin patch this year. Last year, Lily was so little, I really couldn’t do much other than hold her. This year, she was all over the patch and having fun with the pumpkins. I have to say that I have learned my lesson. I had (mistakenly) believed that when I had a girl, she would be so calm and stay with me. *sigh* So I have a Luke 2.0 who is just as fast and is always moving. The difference between them? Lily gets into everything. Luke never poked around into places he didn’t belong. Lily has to be constantly watched. But she’s fast and she adores Luke. So they play tag together, ie: he runs at her, knocks into her and yells, “TAG!” She responds by laughing and they continue.
Luke was very serious about choosing his pumpkin.
“Time me, Mom!”
“This one, Mom!”
Waving to the train.
Love these two. Love that these two love each other.
I love that she’s always reaching for him, always touching him. And he is totally okay with it. He’s good about holding her hand and keeping her safe.
Love those little piggy tails!
We bought a pumpkin for each of us (buy one get one half off!) and never carved them. Life sure gets busy. One of these years we’ll get to it.