Sunday, September 11, 2011



Yeah, I know it September. But I’m still going to blog about 4th of July.

Everyone’s got a “thing.” My thing is pie. I love pie. I love pie in all its glorious forms: from sweet to meat. (not together.) I love funny shirts about pie. I have a “I <3 Pie” shirt, I’m wearing a shirt that says “Easy as 3.141592 . . .” and shoot, I have a tattoo of a slice of chocolate pie on my foot.

A lot of what I connect to my mother and grandmother (2 of my all-time most favorite people) revolves around pie.  My grandmother baked the most amazing delicious pies, which she passed on to my mother. I have developed a complex of sorts . . . I don’t bake pies because I know they just won’t be the same. I baked one pie with my mom (apple), a few years ago which was pretty awesome, but I didn’t want to press my luck. But I decided I needed to get over myself and bake a pie for 4th of July.  I found a great berry pie recipe and decided to go for it.

My tools:

  • Silpat
  • Pie plate
  • Grandma’s rolling pin
  • cider for liquid confidence



I made a crust! Todd was impressed.



The pre-baked pie.  Guess what? Lattice work is TOUGH.  So I faked it, broke the strips, used a cookie cutter to make stars and cover up the breaks. Go . . . . creativity!



Its me! And a pie!



My finished pie. I forgot to adjust the recipe to add my secret ingredient: love. My pie spilleth over.


It was awesome, I really loved it.  But when you’re living in a home where everyone is watching watching what they eat, the pie actually takes a while to finish off.

Saturday, September 10, 2011



We spent the summer at the pool “learning” how to swim.  I use the term “swim” loosely, as Luke really just played in the water. Okay, that’s not really fair. Luke is not so apprehensive about being in the water, which is great.  Most of the time, he worked to negotiate with his teacher, trying to get out of holding his breath underwater and flipping over. *sigh*



Luke got a ribbon with his buddy Jake – hooray!


Mostly I love Luke’s “old man” swimming trunks.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

True Story.

So, it's kinda my mantra when things start getting tough.

I mean, I will get my photos up one of these days. Granted, I need to find my hard drive . . . it's around here somewhere . . .

It's the second week of school and I'm already swamped! Argh!

Note: I received a 98.8% in my Tech class. I am such a "gold star" girl.