Saturday, July 30, 2011


The Bickels are currently in the woods. We are camping.

Yes, you read that correctly.

There will be pictures to follow when I reenter the land of modern conveniences. Luke LOVES getting dirty. Good times!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Walt Disney World–Part 2 (Magic Kingdom)

Of course I was ridiculously excited about going to the Magic Kingdom.  I was nervous about the crowds, as it was Memorial Day Weekend.  I’m just glad that Linda is as willing to be as Disney Crazy (scientific term) as I need her to be.

I made it! I’ll admit it . . . I cried when I got there.  It has been a dream of mine to make it to WDW and I finally did.


But you know what was the most bizarre thing about the Magic Kingdom on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend? That it wasn’t busy. Seriously.  As we walked around, the crowds weren’t very crowded and between fast pass and good ol’ fashioned First-Time-to-Disneyworld-good-karma, we never waited for anything longer than 15 minutes. Seriously.

We walked onto Aladdin’s Magic Carpet Ride:


(isn’t she cute?!?!)

And me, with my Bangs of Fury. (I don’t know if Todd will ever forgive me.)


Fast Pass-ed Peter Pan’s Flight. (Disneyland, take a hint.)


It was interesting to note the differences between CA and FL.  I couldn’t help it, since Disneyland is such an engrained part of my life.  Cinderella’s Castle is way more impressive in size, as it does not have height restrictions like Sleeping Beauty’s Castle in CA.  But It’s a Small World in FL? It made me really sad. Like, heart-breakingly sad.


As we are both trying to be a bit healthier on the eating side, we decided that we’d really only eat one big meal a day and keep the others on the smaller side, sharing when we could.  So we shared nachos at the Tortuga Tavern which was the perfect amount.

They are adding a whole new section to Fantasyland which will include more of the newer classics like Beauty and the Beast and the Little Mermaid.  It will open in 2012.  Can’t believe I’m missing it! But here is the construction on the Beast’s Castle.


And me, sad that I’ll miss the Beauty and the Beast ride.  My favorite Disney movie ever.



My MIL is the most awesome ever.  What I like is to see the shock on someone’s face when I would tell them that I was going to WDW with my MIL. No husband. No kid. But because I adore her and she is so much fun.

“You really get along with her?”

“Yes. I really do.”

“And it’s just the two of you.”

“Yup. I can’t wait!”


“Let the Memories Begin?” Done and done.


We did everything we wanted to do, then headed back to the hotel for dinner.  We ate overlooking the pool.  The early evening was beautiful and the food was delish.

House made BBQ chips with blue cheese and bacon dip. Seriously. Epic.


Margarita and Martini.


We headed to bed early as we wanted to be at Epcot when it opened!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Walt Disney World!–Part 1

As a wonderful surprise/treat, my amazing MIL and fabulous husband treated my to a weekend away to Walt Disney World over Memorial Day Weekend.  It was Mother’s Day, my birthday and our anniversary gift all wrapped into one.

Linda was heading out to Florida for a big ol’ conference and invited me along to hit up Disneyworld with her.  It was going to be my first time!! Woo!  I was counting down the days – I absolutely couldn’t wait.

Our flights landed within minutes of each other, but meeting up became a challenge because we were on opposite sides of the airport.  After connecting, we checked into the hotel, dropped off our things and were off to Downtown Disney!

We at Raglan Road, an Irish Pub that had been sent to Florida from Ireland.  We ate at the bar and enjoyed the Irish dancing.  Oh Disney, you don’t miss a beat!


Classiest Shepard's pie I’d ever seen . . .


I had just cut my bangs. Dang, they’re short.


I took a picture in front of the dinosaur ‘cause I thought Luke would think I was cool. He didn’t.


It was very Florida weather . . . all muggy and stormy with big raindrops.  It was bizarre . . . I was in flip flops and everyone just ran inside when it started raining, it would pour down, then just magically stop and everyone would go back out again.

Crazy Florida sky/weather and me with a Lego Dragon.


Because Linda is such a “valued customer,” the hotel had offered to give her a special upgrade.  She could choose from a room upgrade (they had already upgraded us to a pool view, so she passed), $10 off her hotel bill (no need, thanks for the hotel Sony!), or . . . ice cream! Hooray for ice cream!!

Before we left for Downtown Disney, we attempted to procure the ice cream, but to no avail.  When we returned back to the hotel, we found a tray with the ice cream and bowls waiting for us.  Sure, it was a little . . . soupy, as we had been gone for a while, but Haagen Dazs is Haagen Dazs, soupy or not!

We enjoyed our ice cream on the patio that night – lucky us!


Friday, July 15, 2011

Family Picnic

Every year, Stratford thanks its employees with some sort of event. It has been switching every other year between fancy schmancy dinner/dance in San Fran and a family picnic at Saratoga Springs. Todd and I busted our groove thangs last year at the dinner/dance (I really should have gotten a pic of Todd jumping off the stage a la Patrick Swayze) so this year was the family picnic.

As always, the Bickels have fun wherever we go. Unfortunately, this year, Luke was getting over a cold and the picnic (way back in May) was super cold. What the what? In MAY?!?!

So Todd and Luke loved the “Test Your Fast Ball” pitching net.




Todd had the fastest pitch of the day. Pretty good for an old man.


“Yeah, I want to go on that slide.”


Yup, keep climbing . . .


Poor Luke, at the top of the slide, they found out that you could only go down the slide one at a time. Todd figured that Luke wouldn’t go down the slide by himself, so he gave him a good ol’ push and down he went. Luke was happy, loved the slide, but when asked if he wanted to go down again, he gave a firm “no.”


I love my boys. I feel bad though – Luke looks all tired and goopy from being sick. Poor kid. Towards the end of the day, they had a raffle giving away all sorts of different prizes. Guess who won a prize?? ME!! I won myself a fun yellow Flip! Woot!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Slurpee Day!



Today was free Slurpee Day – did you celebrate?? We tried to, but I went to 7-11 way too late.  Definitely a Summer School Casualty.  But I decided to buck up, spend a couple of bucks and get Slurpees for the family. Hooray! I also earned the claim to fame: BEST MOMMY EVER! (woo hoo!)


So we enjoyed our Slurpees while listening to our growing number of “Glee” Soundtracks.  Luke absolutely loves them and is currently claiming the Glee cover of Pink’s “Raise Your Glass” as his “favorite song.”

So here we are, raising our glasses and singing. I love it.


I’ve been behind on my postings as I have been sick for the last few weeks (bleh) so I’m slowing getting back to my posting.  I’ll get there!