And when he was finished, he proudly admired his work, organized neatly (thanks, in part, to Daddy) and triumphantly yelled "puzzles!" and "perfect!"
Monday, November 30, 2009
And when he was finished, he proudly admired his work, organized neatly (thanks, in part, to Daddy) and triumphantly yelled "puzzles!" and "perfect!"
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Clean Up!
We're certainly not complaining that Luke likes to clean up - he often stops to straighten or fix something as he's walking along. Every night before bed he cleans up his cars and puts them in their bin to go "night night."
Every time he notices the camera, he shouts "cheese!" Think I shove a camera in his face enough?
Right Hand Wrench
Growing up, I always enjoyed helping my dad work on the car and he always called me his little "right hand wrench." (You should see me change a sparkplug!) Okay, so mostly I just watched while he worked.
And so the tradition continues. Luke had the opportunity to peer inside our neighbor's engine and loved it! He eagerly parroted back every engine part's name.
And then, he stuck his fingers in the anti-freeze.

How Luke.
And so the tradition continues. Luke had the opportunity to peer inside our neighbor's engine and loved it! He eagerly parroted back every engine part's name.
And then, he stuck his fingers in the anti-freeze.
How Luke.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Tenacious L.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Luke is all about lining things up - it doesn't matter what it is or where we are. I was clearly not paying attention and he found a newly opened box of soda. He entertained himself for a good long time by lining up and arranging the cans of soda. He was extremely particular about where the went and how they were facing. I was fine with it (he was quiet and contained) until he found out how much fun they were to roll and throw. Then it had to stop. And there were tears and tantrums. Not surprising. But he was so proud of himself - I was impressed with his focus.
Wild Rumpus-ing
Last October, I found a plush version of Max's scepter ("Where the Wild Things Are") at a kids used gear/clothing/toys sale. I promptly bought it, thinking that Max would be such a fun costume for a little boy.
Little did I know that I had a boy who enjoyed a good "wild rumpus." While I don't think Luke is anything like Max, he does enjoy being loud and acting like a monster. (stay out the look-out for a video showcasing Luke's "monster steps") I am not a seamstress by any stretch of the imagination, but I am a wonderful costume "assembler." I found a fantastic lemur costume online and figured I could "assemble" it into a Max costume somehow.
I recently bought a sewing machine (like I need another hobby . . .) and was able to rig a set of ears, tail and crown like Max. I sewed on some big cartoon-y buttons, added the scepter and was all set.
Luke did not enjoy the costume. Did. Not.

So we bribed him with chips. We're okay with that.

After the bribery, he got over the inhumanity of a full suit furry costume and dragging a tail around. This was his first real experience trick-or-treating and I was so proud that he went for the biggest candy option in the bucket: a full size bag of Skittles. Well played, Luke, well played.

Afterwards, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house where he is into knocking now. He was such a cutie and played along. He had been working on saying "Happy Halloween!" but it only comes out "Happy WEEN!"

This is certainly my favorite Halloween picture this year.
After Grandma and Grandpa's house, we headed over to visit the cousins. It is incredibly difficult to get attention focused on the camera with a 5 year old, 4 year old and almost 2 year old. Hence the picture. And that is Spider-Man dressed as a pumpkin.
Little did I know that I had a boy who enjoyed a good "wild rumpus." While I don't think Luke is anything like Max, he does enjoy being loud and acting like a monster. (stay out the look-out for a video showcasing Luke's "monster steps") I am not a seamstress by any stretch of the imagination, but I am a wonderful costume "assembler." I found a fantastic lemur costume online and figured I could "assemble" it into a Max costume somehow.
I recently bought a sewing machine (like I need another hobby . . .) and was able to rig a set of ears, tail and crown like Max. I sewed on some big cartoon-y buttons, added the scepter and was all set.
Luke did not enjoy the costume. Did. Not.
So we bribed him with chips. We're okay with that.
After the bribery, he got over the inhumanity of a full suit furry costume and dragging a tail around. This was his first real experience trick-or-treating and I was so proud that he went for the biggest candy option in the bucket: a full size bag of Skittles. Well played, Luke, well played.
Afterwards, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house where he is into knocking now. He was such a cutie and played along. He had been working on saying "Happy Halloween!" but it only comes out "Happy WEEN!"
After Grandma and Grandpa's house, we headed over to visit the cousins. It is incredibly difficult to get attention focused on the camera with a 5 year old, 4 year old and almost 2 year old. Hence the picture. And that is Spider-Man dressed as a pumpkin.
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