Thursday, November 8, 2012


I’m going to discuss what’s been happening with my surgery/health but I will be putting in Lily’s two month pictures to a)lighten the mood and b) give something for people to look at if they’re not interested in my kidney stone drama.


What a crazy couple of days . . .

So I went in for my surgery, which I completely underestimated. For whatever reason, I totally thought it was going to be a simple little procedure, not a big deal at all.

Wow. Way to do your research, Noella.

To start with, the original 12 mm estimate of my stone was small – it turned out to be 13.1 mm. *sigh* Which meant that they had no choice but to insert a stent.  It’s going to be there for a minimum of 2 weeks.  Because of the size of the original stone, the broken pieces might still be big and painful to pass. Sheesh. Because of the stent and the crazy pain, I’m on antibiotics and heavy duty pain meds for quite some time.  I don’t know exactly when I’m going to be able to nurse Lily again.  I’m still pumping and dumping though. 


Once the surgeon told me about the stent and explained the meds, he left and I immediately started crying.  The poor anesthesiologist . . . he came into a crying girl.  I explained to him and my nurse who made sure to ask the doctor about the meds.  I didn’t change anything, but they were so sweet and thoughtful.

I totally did not realize that I would be put completely under. Yikes.  I was told that during the procedure they give me pain meds, but they don’t really know if it was the right amount as they can’t wake me up to ask.  Well, apparently because I was so upset about breastfeeding, they decided to give me less in hopes that I could return to nursing more quickly. 


So I woke up crying and crying, it was so painful.  Yeah, that was fun.  Anytime I get into that much pain, doctors and nurses have an extremely hard time breaking through the pain – it has happened with every ER visit for kidney stones.  They keep giving me more and more meds, higher and higher doses and stronger types.  They are always shocked at how what should work  . . . doesn’t.

I made it through, I’m anxious to be done with all of this.  I didn’t want to finish maternity leave this way, but it was certainly out of my hands.


I’m very blessed though – the hospital staff was amazing.  I had the sweetest, most kind nurses and efficient, thoughtful doctors.  I cannot thank my family enough.  I feel that I ask so much of them with all this ridiculous medical issues I’ve been going through.  My parents are always there for me whenever I need them.  I couldn’t be more grateful.  And of course, Todd has been so caring and considerate – letting me sleep when I need to, fixing all my meals and taking care of the kids.  Luke is very concerned about my health, but thinks it’s pretty cool that I have a rock inside me.  And sweet Miss Lily, she has adjusted to having to drink formula.  There was no way to make all those ounces stretch.  I’m trying not to get depressed or negative about it.  I have about 15 ounces left of the original 140 that I began with.  But she’s a trooper. 


Lily is such a pretty little girl.  She seems to get overly aware of the camera whenever I try to take her picture, which has made capturing her smiles ridiculously difficult. I’ll get them one of these days!

Oh, and Lily has an eye infection, so she’s got antibiotics, too. Mother/daughter bonding? Already?

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