Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Halloween!


Last year, Luke dressed up as Spiderman for Halloween.  He loves loves loves Spiderman and was really jealous of the kids who were dress d as “black Spiderman” (aka Venom).  So last year, he decided he wanted to be black Spiderman.  I couldn’t believe he remembered after a year.  Can’t get anything past that kid.

Well, this year there were plenty of red Spidermans, but no black Spidermans.  Apparently, the other parents in his class were confused, as they are clearly not comic book readers.  Their children all came home telling them that Luke was going to be “black Spiderman” and they thought their kids were making it up. :)

So here is Luke as “black Spiderman:”


And just because it is a good story, a while ago Luke mentioned that Spiderman was “pissing.” Todd and I were horrified at his word choice and couldn’t figure out where he had learned it from.  We asked him to repeat it, thinking maybe we had misheard him.  But no, he kept repeating that Spiderman was “pissing.” So we asked him what he meant and he said “You know, piss piss! Spiderman is piss! piss!” and showing how he shot webs out of his wrists. Ahhhh . . . the sound the webs make.  Todd and I laughed a good long time about that.  It still makes me laugh!


All Luke’s best Spidey moves!


Halloween Parade


“Um . . . where is Sister?”


“Oh! There she is! Hi Sister!”


Luke’s PK class  . . . play “Count the Spidermans!”

Class Halloween Pic

Yup, he got the ice cream past me . . . “This is okay, right Mom?”


I dressed Lily up in her sunflower costume (I was a gardener) and traveled around visiting everyone.  I headed to my old campus and introduced Lily to all my old students.  Boy did they love her! Boy, so I miss them.  I really, really miss my students.  It was great to see them and see how old they are, and how successful they are.  I was even able to see a few of my class parents as well, they were thrilled to meet Lily.


I headed to my new campus and was able to visit the front office staff and had such a great time with my principal.  Conveniently, she was dressed as a farmer. Seriously.  They looked so adorable together!! After that, it was over to Luke’s campus for his party and parade.

Lily loves her brother so so very much.  He just adores her.


My sweet little sunflower – she has brightened our lives!


“I want to sit next to her and kiss her!”


“Blech! She licked me!” (ha ha) Luke still refuses to believe that she was just trying to kiss him back.


We went trick or treating in Almaden and had a wonderful time!  Luke got lots of candy (to which is isn’t that interested in) and mostly just loved running from house to house and shouting trick or treat.

Things overheard to be said by Luke:

1) *knock knock* TRICK OR TREAT! What’s taking them so long?”

2) (to the candy bowl) “There wasn’t a kid to say thanks to so I said thank you to the SIGN.”

3) “Mommy, the human scared me!” At a haunted house, Todd tried to tell him the scary zombie (?) was just a human being.  Methinks he doesn’t know the term “human.”

Sorry, no pictures.  Unfortunately, my camera battery died just as I turned it on the take the first picture. Whoops.

Happy Halloween!!

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