Monday, November 19, 2012

So it is my first day back at work.  Man, is it ever rough.  I mean, seriously seriously tough.  I know that Miss Lily is fine, but I just really miss her.  I'm so glad she is such a good baby.  I'm not going to go much further with this or I might will start crying.
Nana took a few pictures and sent them to me.  I needed them.  She is such a happy baby.  Or maybe she just seems that much more happy because Luke was so unhappy. Poor Mr. Colicky Baby. Oh well. So I love her and her sweet, cheery face.  She sure makes me smile!
And I finally checked my work email after being gone for 12 weeks.  Hooray! I was emailed the picture of Lily and me on Halloween when I came to campus for a visit.  She looks serious.  I think the whole thing was pretty overwhelming.  I like that I don't look enormous.  Thanks nursing poncho! (and the downward angle of the photo - love me some tall photographers!)
I'm so happy there are only three days this school week, or else I would just have a fit. 

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