Friday, July 15, 2011

Family Picnic

Every year, Stratford thanks its employees with some sort of event. It has been switching every other year between fancy schmancy dinner/dance in San Fran and a family picnic at Saratoga Springs. Todd and I busted our groove thangs last year at the dinner/dance (I really should have gotten a pic of Todd jumping off the stage a la Patrick Swayze) so this year was the family picnic.

As always, the Bickels have fun wherever we go. Unfortunately, this year, Luke was getting over a cold and the picnic (way back in May) was super cold. What the what? In MAY?!?!

So Todd and Luke loved the “Test Your Fast Ball” pitching net.




Todd had the fastest pitch of the day. Pretty good for an old man.


“Yeah, I want to go on that slide.”


Yup, keep climbing . . .


Poor Luke, at the top of the slide, they found out that you could only go down the slide one at a time. Todd figured that Luke wouldn’t go down the slide by himself, so he gave him a good ol’ push and down he went. Luke was happy, loved the slide, but when asked if he wanted to go down again, he gave a firm “no.”


I love my boys. I feel bad though – Luke looks all tired and goopy from being sick. Poor kid. Towards the end of the day, they had a raffle giving away all sorts of different prizes. Guess who won a prize?? ME!! I won myself a fun yellow Flip! Woot!

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