Monday, September 17, 2012

First Day of School



Luke started Pre-K on Monday, August 27th.  Please note: this is two days after I gave birth.  I was clearly not a part of the “Back to School” fun that I would have normally been a part of.  Todd, Lily and I were coming home from the hospital that Monday, so it was up to Nana (Linda) to take Luke to school.  Bless her heart, she took a picture of him outside of his classroom.

Please note: Luke’s goal every day is to wear an Angry Birds t-shirt every day.  I can only wish that he was that passionate about listening or following directions. *sigh*  He has great teachers this year – I hope they will continue to be patient and guide him to be a good listener.

Bragging Time:

Luke is academically very advanced – he knows all his letters, their sounds, the vowels and their two sounds.  He can read many one-vowel words (when he’s in the mood) and knows his numbers, and can count up to 100.  Though sometimes he repeats his 40s :) He can write his name, Mom, Dad, Nana and Lily.  He doesn’t like writing the letter “M” though. 

That all being said, Luke is very *ahem* willful and we are continuing to work on him understanding that he is not the boss.

Here’s hoping for a good school year!

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