Monday, September 17, 2012

Big Brother

Luke does love being a big brother.  We definitely fluctuate between love of our baby sister and jealousy.  He wants to see her first thing every morning and give her hugs and kisses.  He doesn’t like her being asleep, so he will definitely poke and squeeze her to wake her up.  Guess how happy that makes Mom? Luckily, Lily is a resilient little girl and can often sleep through most of it. (Blessings of a second child)

The other day he did admit that he wants to sleep in Mommy and Daddy’s room just like Baby Sister.  *sigh*  Todd talked to him about how he was able to sleep in our room when he was a baby (granted, it was only for 3 days because he was such a noisy little bugger) and that she will be moving into her own room, in her own crib soon enough.  Poor kid – he’s been an only child for so long, this is definitely a difficult transition time.  I’m hoping that when she gets older and he can interact more, things will get easier.

These pictures are all from the first time that Luke held Lily.  Luke pretty much demands to hold her every night after his bedtime story.



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