Friday, August 24, 2012

40 Weeks and counting . . .



Here I am . . . still pregnant and past my due date.  Not long, only a few days, but still.  How many people told me I would “never make it” and my response was to laugh and tell them that not only would I “make it,” I would go past due date as well. 

I knew it, no question about it.

So it is Friday evening and I’m scheduled to be induced tomorrow afternoon.  I really wanted to avoid an induction as Luke’s induction was not a pleasant experience.  At this point though, baby girl seems perfectly content to stay right where she is and I can’t wait around forever.

That being said, I am further along with her than I ever was with Luke.  I am more dilated/effaced, so hopefully the induction will go more smoothly.  I worry about having a big giant baby though. 

I have enjoyed having this week off prior to delivery, especially with Todd and Luke having the week off and Linda staying with us.  It is hard to believe this is our last day being a family of three and that things will change so dramatically within the next few days.

I actually haven’t been as irritated at the end of this pregnancy like I was with Luke.  I know that this is my last pregnancy, so I think I’m cherishing every last little movement and sweet little time with this baby before she makes her debut.  I’m also less antsy, as I know what to expect.  I know every baby is different, but there’s no way she can be more difficult than Luke as a baby.

Once baby girl makes her appearance, I’ll be sure to post some pictures!

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