Sunday, July 8, 2012

When it rains, it pours . . .

Once upon a time there was a little girl whose father used to ask her what kind of day she had.  She had two options: "Were you a lion today, Noella? Or were you a Christian?"  So on the days when I was taking the world by storm and "winning" as the case may be, I was definitely a "lion" conquering everything in my path, like the lions that were put into the gladiator arenas of Ancient Rome.  Or, of course, if they day was particularly difficult, I could be the Christian and basically be eaten alive.

Well, my friends, I have been a Christian these last few weeks.  And when it rains, it pours.

(prepare for whiny Noella session)

Coming home from Tahoe, I started feeling pretty sick, but blew it off because I couldn't be sick . . .  not at the end of a vacation and coming up on a quiet week off before working this summer.  Well, it got worse and worse and I couldn't ignore it anymore.  So I went in for a normal doctor appointment for the baby and started freaking out because I hadn't felt the baby move very much.

Well, the doctor freaked out too and I was admitted into the hospital to monitor the baby and figure out what was going on.  Low and behold, I was super dehydrated after whatever GI bug I caught and they were afraid I would go into pre-term labor.  So I spent the day in labor/delivery (wee!) and was released under strict orders to hydrate hydrate hydrate! Understood.

I began working a week later on Monday, July 2nd and on Tuesday started feeling pretty crummy.  Back to the hospital I went! This time though, I went to the ER, feeling like I was having some kidney stone issues.  As I walked into the ER, the patient (woman) ahead of me in line told me to sit in the wheelchair and someone hopped out from behind reception and immediately saw to me.  WOW! When you are 32 weeks pregnant and go into the ER . . . things get done. The first kidney stone I had, I writhed in pain for over 2 hours in the ER.  For my second kidney stone, I had to wait just over an hour.  3rd kidney stone while pregnant, things get done. Granted, everyone thought I was in labor (which I could have been) but I just kept saying, "well, it's either labor or kidney stones .  . ."

So I hung out in labor/delivery (again) got on some pretty high pain meds (whee!) and started feeling better.  I was sent home the following morning with Vicodin and wishful hopeful prayers that I passed the stone to the bladder.  Once you pass the stone to the bladder, life is good.  Its the trip down the ureter (from the kidney to the bladder) that really sucks.  So I spent the 4th of July afternoon feeling pretty okay, just waiting for the final pass and the final catch.

Until late on the 4th of July when the pain came back ten-fold. I was in tears and have learned NOT to power through.  I'm so glad I live near my parents.  God bless them a million times over.  Mom came to stay with Luke while Todd rushed me back to the hospital.  They put me right into labor/delivery to keep an eye on the baby and started pumping me with meds to help with the pain.  Baby = great! Noella = final step before death. Morphine did not work. Vicodin did not work.  Percoset did not work. Big time heavy meds that I cannot pronounce but sound like "gelato" - those worked.  Man, the pain just wouldn't go away.  I spent two days in the hospital this time around, finally getting the pain managed on Friday.  So I was discharged late on Friday and ready to spend the night at home.

Uncle Dan and Auntie Ellen offered to babysit Luke on Friday, picking him up from school and getting to spend the night at their house.  Gracie already had a friend coming over for a sleepover so all the kids had a backyard campout.  Lesson learned by Luke: when Mommy is sick and goes to the hospital, all fun things happen.

Friday night was extremely difficult and very VERY painful as clearly, the stone had not passed yet. At this time, because I am pregnant, they cannot do any xrays or more invasive procedures like blasting them with a laser.  After my last kidney stone, my xrays showed that I still had two stones left (one on the left, one on the right) and an ultrasound in the hospital could see Mr. Righty but not Mr. Lefty, and my pain is entirely focused on my left side.  So, not helpful at all. Currently, all I can do is try to manage the pain and do the best I can.

Baby Girl is completely fine.  She has had absolutely zero issues with any of this.  She is just as fiesty, moving all over the place which has impressed all the nurses and doctors.

Now, that being said, I am finally announcing my promotion, which is terribly entertaining in light of all this business.  I have totally been meaning to scan my new business card (fancy!) and let everyone know that way, but my cards are at work so oh wells.

*drum roll please*

I have been promoted to Elementary Vice Principal which means that I will no longer be teaching in the classroom (which is kind of stinky) but will not be grading (which is awesome!).  It also means that I will no longer be at my home campus of Los Gatos (where I have been for 7 years) but starting at Sunnyvale De Anza (which is exciting!).  I'm going to miss my awesome principal, but luckily, I have an awesome principal who has been incredibly understanding during all of this.  Considering I worked two days before ending up in the hospital and taking off from work. *sigh* I keep reminding myself and my principal that this is NOT how I normally work. (ie: I started passing my first kidney stone and STILL kept teaching.  It was music class, if you want to know)

Here's my pic and my new title (woo!) I'm 4th on the rotation of all the principals and front office staff. It is my school picture from last year - not too bad.

I promise I will get pictures of the child up soon - I haven't forgotten. Just be otherwise preoccupied. Still waiting on passing that stone.  I read that sometimes they travel back to the kidneys and have to go through the ureter all over again.  all over again. I really hope that's not me.  I'll freak out about that.

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