Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tahoe - Day 1

Growing up, every January, my family would take a long weekend up to Tahoe to spend time together, enjoy the snow and celebrate my brother's birthday. We always rented the same condo and I appreciated the family time together.

We had a revisited family trip 5 years ago, but haven't been back since Luke has been born. I was so excited about Luke getting to play in the snow. Grandma and Papa decked Luke out with some winter gear along with snow gear handed down from his cousins. After the ER visit, we were concerned about Luke traveling, but the doctor okay'd it, so we went with it.

The first day, Luke was so excited, we bundled him up, bundled ourselves up and were out the door. He had so much fun sledding and walking around!

The weather was beautiful and Luke loved to GO FAST. Imagine that!

We found a snow covered playground that Luke was happy to toddle around in. He found it very funny to slide down a slide that was half-covered in snow. Not a fast slide, but a silly one.

Todd took a seat and watched for a bit while I took a bunch o'pictures.

Then he tried his hand at "Sled-boarding."

Not very effective at first, but he got the hang of it.

Todd tried to get a really gigantic icicle for Luke, but it was a little more difficult that he had anticipated.

He was successful, though!

Papa had to get one for Luke, too. It was scary and enormous.

I was so happy to see how much fun Luke was having - he didn't complain about the cold or about the falling, he was just glad to get out and play in it.

Luke loved to be pulled along on the sled. Grandma thought it would be pretty fun to pelt him with snowballs. Interestingly, he thought it was pretty funny, too.

After the first day, we were all pretty exhausted. Luke's cousins were going to be driving up that afternoon, so we relaxed for the afternoon. We were going to be starting off the next day sledding and had to be ready for that.

Except . . .

Luke ended up with a high fever that night. Poor guy - it was just awful. We were up all night trying to get that fever to break . . . which it finally did around 4 am. My parents were on the phone trying to find the nearest hospital, in case he got any worse. He had never had a fever that high before, so we were all freaking out.

But after the fever broke, Luke and the rest of us were all able to get some sleep and relax.

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