Saturday, February 19, 2011

First Day - Round 2!

We'll do a little backtracking before keeping current. I'm okay with that, hope you are too.

Winter break was what I'd like to refer to as "Clash of the Titans" as we were feverishly trying to potty train Luke before he started full-day preschool. It was not successful. It was full of tears and frustration and a really poor way to potty train. I don't recommend it.

School was starting on January 3rd. Luke started peeing on the potty on January 2nd. Nothing like pushing the boundaries. The only reason he started peeing was because it was on his own terms. I know that, he knows that.

So the next "My-Baby-Is-Growing-Up-To-Fast" moment that results in tears and photos is making Luke's school lunch. So I cried and took a picture. Due to his "activity" level, Luke is off juice at school. :)

And, I totally forgot to take a picture of my kid. *sigh*

But Luke absolutely loves school and couldn't be happier. We still have moments of crying when we have to leave, but it just reminds me that he really wants to be there. We've seen improvement in so many areas - from listening and following directions to knowing his letters and sounds. He loves learning Spanish and adores his Spanish teacher - it's nice to be able to hear about what he's up to all day, as he's only a few classrooms over from me and I'm always running into his teachers.

The first day of school, Luke bailed running of the play structure and fell on the steps, face first. Took him all of one day for a head injury.

By Thursday, he ran, fell into a cement wall and I was off to the ER. Sounds about right. Turned out he was okay, but he was acting strangely: wanting to go to sleep, not wanting to eat, crying a lot, and asking for me. Not like him at all. But he had a great time at the ER and hanging out with the doctor. The worst part? They put a monitor on his thumb sucking thumb. That was NOT okay.

But Luke got a popscicle, some juice and a hospital bracelet out of the deal, so we were good. And we left the next day for a family trip to Tahoe . . . which was another adventure.

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