Sunday, November 7, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Halloween turned out to be much more frightening than had been previously anticipated.


Let me start from the beginning.

Knowing that Luke's costume looked like an out of place Linus from the Peanuts, I decided to have Luke bring along Sally to justify/explain his costume. Not that it mattered. No one cared anyways. He was way cute and polite.

We had gone to a few houses when I realized that *gasp* . . . SALLY WAS GONE. I think my heart actually stopped for a few seconds.

Uncle Dan (the only one with a flashlight) was kind enough to backtrack and hunt for Sally. It was a long, uncomfortable time until Uncle Dan was able to track her down. But track her down he did! And I held her. Tightly. For the rest of the night.

Luke loved trick-or-treating. It took him a few houses, but he figured it out and loved shouting "Happy Halloween!" and "Trick-or-Treat!" and "THANK YOU!" There were a few problems we discovered along the way though.

1) I forgot to empty the pumpkin bucket after trunk or treating. Poor Luke's bucket was so friggin heavy, he could barely carry it. The handle kept popping out and the candy would spill everywhere. Yikes. And Luke is so stubborn, he didn't want any help.

2) Luke wanted to have a conversation at every house we stopped at. He wanted to talk about his candy and how trick-or-treating worked. Due to the conversational limitations, he mostly repeated the same things over and over, but in a different order every time.

3) Luke just has smaller legs than his big cousins. "Wait up Superman!" was a common exclamation. They were so patient and would wait for him at every house, but it was still tough. A heavy candy bucket was really inconvenient for this as well.

Luke had a great time checking his "loot" after every house, thanks to Uncle Dan's enthusiasm. Luke doesn't know one type of candy from another, but Uncle Dan was so excited about a different type every time that Luke was walking on air.

I snapped this pic and it was so bright that Luke completely bailed. Scraped up his knee (shocking, I know) but hopped back up, shouting "I'm okay! I'm okay!"

Luke was such a cutie and had so much fun - I know he'll be ready for next year.

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