Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fall Festival

Halloween Festivities: Part Uno

One of my co-workers was gracious enough to host an all-out way crazy Fall Festival at her home, open to anyone who wanted to come. Seriously. No RSVPs or anything - it was insane. Anyways, we decided to follow Jake and his family there and let Luke go crazy before trick-or-treating that night.

We began in . . . the bounce house. But please note, this was not just any bounce house - this thing had a full slide inside as well as a cool stair/ladder thing to climb up. Oh - and a basketball hoop, but Luke wasn't too into that. I was impressed at how much Luke's balance has improved since the last bounce house. The ratio of bounce to falling was now in favor of bouncing. Well done! Most photos came out way too blurry - they had a fabulous time.

He found the playsets in back, one even had a kitchen at the top. Luke was a nice reflection of how we cook in our home. Yup, he mostly played with the microwave. Dang.

Luke slid down with Sally . . . mostly. Okay, he really just launched her down the slide then flew down after her. That was one fast slide - he got the wind knocked out of him a little bit.

Their house (farm?) had animals for Luke to look at: rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens and pigs. Luke was freaked out by the chickens - when he went over to the coop to look at them, one chicken walked right up to him, a little too quickly. He was stoked on the rabbits and kept calling the guinea pigs "bunnies." He didn't know what to make of the pigs, except to oink at them.

After the animals, we went "trunk or treating" in their front driveway . . . I guess one would call it a driveway. There were around 15 cars parked, with their trucks decorated. Luke loved it - he was very polite saying thanks to everyone for the candy. He truly couldn't believe his luck - FREE candy!

Luke got to make a foam crown - he is all about his crown!

Checking out his loot. He wouldn't stick his face through the hole, so I stuck my camera through.

Luke was certainly bummed to leave, but there were no tears (Hallelujah!) and many promises of visiting and trick-or-treating with his cousins.