Saturday, July 10, 2010

I'm 30.

I always thought I would be completely fine with turning 30, but I guess it took me a little by surprise. I swear, the wrinkles appeared overnight. They're good wrinkles - the "laughing" ones - but nonetheless, there they are.

That being said, my birthday was truly a birthday day - which was fun. I like to think of my birthday in shifts - the early shift (family and a few friends) and the later shift (family gone, friends remain). Mostly I was just glad to have ice cream cake. Luke was excited, too.
Luke's buddies came over, Julianna (Stacie and Tony's daughter) and Jake (Shannon and Brian's son). It was wonderful to hear the kids running around and laughing and having a good time.

I have to say, its pretty bizarro to be in such a different place in my life, meaning that having friends I've known since high school (or earlier) bring over their kids to play with my kid at my 30th birthday . . . wow. I'm just feeling old.

Hanging with Uncle Brent

Being cute wearing my birthday hat

A long wonderful day being surrounded by good people and good food (thanks Mom and Todd!) Birthdays are always a time of reflection on the past and dreaming about the future, and I couldn't be more blessed that all that I have. Here's to the next 30!

1 comment:

  1. Glad we were able to come over. the kids are sooo cute together =)
