Saturday, July 10, 2010

Back to the Hollow!

Happy Hollow is a San Jose staple and we were really excited to take Luke there. He had gone once before with his cousins, but he was super young (he slept in his stroller!) and we really didn't do much of anything. Then Happy Hollow closed for a remodel and we finally were able to get back, now that Luke was older.

Saturday morning of the Fourth of July weekend, off we went to Happy Hollow! We had such a wonderful time as a family. We began with Danny the Dragon, of course, and sat in front of a family who had an older son named Luke and a younger daughter who was our Luke's age, 6 days older, in fact. Luke loved just about everything, but he especially loved the car ride. Was there any doubt?

Happy Hollow also has a wonderful play area for Luke to climb all over, which he readily did.

We finished our day with lunch and an It's-It. I haven't had an It's-It in I don't know how many years, but Luke was a fan of cookie, chocolate and ice cream.

We were all exhausted by the end of it - and we only stayed a few hours! We signed up for a family pass and will definitely be visiting more this summer.

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