Monday, August 31, 2009

Tater Tater Tater Tater Tater Tater Tater


After the hike, it took quite a bit of time for the whole crew to get back to the hotel. While the unencumbered adults (sans kids) planned on going out for a late dinner, we knew we had to get a quick dinner for Luke. He had eaten Taco Johns the afternoon before and loved it, so we tried it again. What could be better than a quesadilla and tater tots??

Luke discovered that half the fun of tots is the stacking! He stacked to a solid three, but that fourth tot just would not stay on. Stack, fall, try again. Stack, fall, try again. Stack, fall . . . eat. Much more successful method.

Granted, it was late, Luke was tired, so he was especially loopy and giggly about the tots. But it did make for a humorous picture or two.

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