Monday, August 31, 2009

Avalanche Lake

We decided to take Luke on a 4.5 mile hike up to Avalanche Lake in Glacier. I am not a hiker. Yet, the Flory-Unger clan sure is! I always end up hiking around with them, and as I told them: I'm annoyed while hiking, but always really glad I did hike wheneverI get to where we're going.

This was no exception - the trail opened up to a beautiful lake with three waterfalls flowing into it.

The shore was rocky and wide, allowing us to take Luke out of the pack and let him run around a bit. He had been in the pack all day and was surprisingly not too annoyed by it.

But once we let him run, he was a happy happy kid. He was so tired, he kept falling. We just told him to "brush it off" to which he would rub his hands over his shirt and keep running. It was pretty entertaining to everyone around.

Luke with his cousins (2nd cousins?) Rose, Emily and KayKay.

We took off his shoes and stuck his feet in the lake, which he loved.

When it was time to go, he was pretty bent out of shape: once he has freedom, he is unlikely to give it up without a fight. But off we went, back down the trail to meet up with the rest of the clan who had not joined us.

Todd noticed the weight suddenly shifted in the pack and asked my aunt if Luke had fallen asleep. And he had. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself. Out he went like a light.

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