Saturday, November 8, 2008


We had a difficult time this year deciding on a costume for Luke. He has such a personality that a typical baby costume just didn't seem fitting. I knew I would make something, but there were just too many ideas to choose from. Originally we were all going to dress up: Luke as Popeye, Todd as Bluto and Noella as Olive Oyle. But as we weren't going to a party, that just seemed like too much work. Since Luke turns as red as a tomato when he gets angry, we always call him "Jack Jack" from "The Incredibles." So we finally decided on that. We took Luke over to Trick or Treat at Grandma and Grandpa's house and they loved it! He played the part well - turning red and yelling when he was excited. Instead of candy, Luke trick or treated for Cheerios!

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