Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fall Pictures

We decided to send out Halloween cards this year with pictures of Luke. We had planned to go to the pumpkin patch, but between a tight schedule and rainy weather, we simply didn't make it out. But I was bound and determined to get cute fall pictures so the front yard would simply have to do.

Sounds great, right? It was - until our normally quiet street turned into a popular thoroughfare. Luke is all about cars (Daddy's boy) so every car that passed caught his attention. It was a moth to a flame. We really had to carefully time the pictures, and even then it was difficult.

What I loved about the pictures was his intensity - about everything. The cars, the grass, the leaves. I was impressed - not once did he try to crumple the leaves. Luke kept turning it over and over again. He held the leaf away from him, he held it close. He held it with one hand and then with two. But always very delicately. As rough and tumble as Luke is, he's still a thinker. I love that.

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