Monday, April 29, 2013

The last day in January, my first born turned five. FIVE, I TELL YOU.  Bizarre.  I still found it hard to believe.  Since it was a school day, we decided to have a small celebration that night before we celebrated at his birthday party that weekend.  I surprised him with a trip to Whole Foods for a fancy-schmancy cupcake.  He picked a big ol' chocolate cookies 'n' cream cupcake. 

Daddy sure keeps him laughing.

Blowing out the candles, making a wish!

Daddy teasing Luke, stealing his cookie.

Lily was fascinated by the exchange.

My two favorite boys.  
Luke was allowed to eat 1/4 of the cupcake.  He's so funny - he was bound and determined to eat it all the next day, but completely forgot about it.  Silver lining for ADHD? He is forgetful when it counts.

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