Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Luke is doing . . . well.

So things have been going well . . . a few days before Easter, we received this note in Luke's belongings.  We were so thrilled! Bless those teachers . . . they are working magic on him.  Though I'll admit, it makes me feel more trepidation about leaving when he is going into kindergarten this year.  He was so proud of himself.

We would like to get to a point where we are so surprised when he does well.  We would like it to be a norm instead of an exception.  Will we ever get there? Will we have an opportunity to get there? Who knows. We'll live this up :)

Unfortunately, this week hasn't been as successful.  He has been "bothering" his friends (he can be pretty trying) and his friends then don't want to play with him.  And then he cries. That's new.

The teachers have been telling me all week that he has been really "sensitive" lately, crying easily about getting his feelings hurt.  I think that the sleep thing is a problem - he is still waking up a bunch (hearing noises at night) and taking a long time to go back to sleep, if at all.  I think he was so worried about me in surgery ("How did they put you back together, Mommy?" "With glue, sweetie.")  and he just is terribly emotional.

But Luke is still motivated to earn stickers (woo hoo!) and we're giving those away like candy.

I'm so proud of my boy. :)

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