Thursday, March 14, 2013

Six Months

So after that terribly dramatic post, it is time for something a little lighter.
Lily is six months old. That's right. Six. Months. Old.
When did that happen?

What is Lily up to now, you ask?

  • Eating: sweet potatoes, peas, bananas, avocados and puffs.  She never, ever liked rice cereal.  Bleh. Before solids, she was taking 12 oz as her last nighttime bottle.  She is a tank.  Solids have helped that drop down to 8 oz. 
  • Action: sitting like a champ.  Getting ready to crawl. (slow down!) She scoots around the family room backwards and gets into everything.  Lily adores her doorway jumper.  It is difficult getting her in because she starts jumping on the way over.
  • Personality: Happy. Happy. Happy.  She is my smiley girl.  When does she get angry? When I come home, say hi and then pass her by.  Do not stick baby in the corner. :)  
  • Relationships: Lily loves her big brother and he loves her back.  She is constantly watching him.  Luke knows we get upset when he tries to hoist her up, so he will lay on his back and put her on his tummy.  Then they giggle at each other.  Luke is still working on being gentle, Lily still smiles even when she gets squeezed by her brother.
  • Sleeping: We have taken a few steps back.  As Luke's issues with sleeping are a prominent part of our night, we try to prevent Lily from waking him up.  She doesn't cry, but she fusses.  I run in to "plug" her with the binky, but Luke usually wakes up.  Normally, I don't mind if she fusses, but we're working on Luke's sleep right now.  We have started finding her sleeping on her tummy or her side.
  • Lovie: Lily has the giraffe equivalent to Luke's Sally (Sleep Sheep) and is enamoured with it.  When we put her to bed, the first thing she does is look for her giraffe.  Then she hugs the heck out of him.  Lily also chews extensively on her Sophie the giraffe. 
  • Teeth: Not yet.  I swear she has been teething for like, 3 months.  She chews on everything.  But no, not yet.

It already feels way too fast.  My little girl is just the sweetest thing.  Halfway through the first year? Yikes.  

1 comment:

  1. Miss you guys so much! Lily is getting so big and its only been a little over a month since we've seen her! Can't wait for Jane to arrive and for the Bickel clan to meet her!
