Monday, October 29, 2012

Lily at Two Months



I can’t believe how quickly two months have gone by.  Before Lily, I didn’t even know it was possible to enjoy time with a newborn.  She is pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. 

About Little Miss Lily at two months:

  • Up to 13 lbs 3 oz (birth weight: 7 lbs 15 oz) – now wearing 3-6 month clothes
  • Up to 23 1/4 inches long (birth length: 20 inches)
  • Lily’s pediatrician was very impressed with her head control – sometimes I forget she is only two months old.
  • Goes to bed around 8 pm every night.
  • Either sleeps completely through the night (until about 7 am) or wakes up once between 1:30 am and 3:30 am.
  • She rarely cries.  Honestly, she cries when she is tired and doesn’t want to be held.
  • Lily sleeps in her own crib at night, in her swing for naps.  We are trying to transition her to sleep in her crib for naps.  We win some, we lose some.
  • She still hates pacifiers. She tries so hard to suck her thumb, but its usually trapped under the other four fingers. 
  • Lily has her “Owl Baby” that is an owl/lovey blanket.  It has tiny little wings that she will gnaw on to calm down.
  • We’re still working on taking a bottle. After four failed bottle brands, Lily will finally suffer through a Dr. Browns bottle. Whatever works.
  • Mommy returns to work in 3 weeks.  I never thought I would want to stay home with a newborn (I couldn’t wait to get back to work after I had Luke . . . someone take my child, PLEASE.) but she is such a dream baby.
  • Luke loves her.  He holds her regularly, loves to show her his toys, gives her hugs and kisses.  Lily has become quite a resilient baby with Luke as her big brother.
  • Lily is such a smiley baby – she loves to be talked to and works very hard to focus on the mouth of whoever is talking.  She is working hard at laughing and we have gotten a few guffaws.

Mostly, I have found that I am completely infatuated with my sweet little girl.  We were able to visit my old campus and see some of the teachers – she was sweet and smiley for them, too! We’ll be going back this week to visit some of my previous students – they survived my pregnancy and crazy hormones, so they should get to see the product!

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