Thursday, September 6, 2012

This is where I am at right now.  Having a *ahem* rather "precocious" 4 year old is a challenge on a good day.  I love my Luke-pie, but boy can he be frustrating.  I have to remind myself frequently to have patience, to remember that he's only 4 and that he is a sweet, funny boy who does mean well.  I know that my expectations can border on the ridiculous/impossible, as I am used to working with much older kids who respond to my redirection.  Luke certainly has a mind of his own and things have to be done his way. Unfortunately, with Todd and I - we are just as stubborn and things have to be done our way. *sigh*

My grandmother said that you should never be surprised by your children's personality - you get back what you put in.  So perhaps the most frustrating part of all of this is that Luke is so much like Todd and I.  It doesn't help that he really does listen (even though he doesn't always do what he is asked) and will often repeat what we say to him.


Luke: Mom, you frustrate me. But I love you. I will always love you.  You need to listen to my words. 
Me: Luke, you frustrate me, too.  And I will always love you, too.  I am listening to your words, but we are still not watching TV and you need to listen to my words because I'm the mommy.
Luke: But MOOOOM.  

I think I have a 15 year old trapped in a 4 year old's body.

I know I need to slow down and enjoy my time with Lily, as it will go way too quickly.  I already feel the time constraint of going back to work (November) and a little of the sadness of knowing that she will be my last baby.  I want to speed up time and slow down time concurrently. 

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