Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lily at 2 weeks



This week, Lily had her two week check-up.  I was anxious about the appointment because I haven’t supplemented with formula at all with her, and I was nervous about her weight gain, or perhaps lack of.  We love our pediatrician and I was excited for him to meet our little miss. 

So here are her stats:

Weight: 9 lbs 8 oz (up 1 lb 8 oz from birth)

Length: 21 inches (up 1 inch from birth)


A few things about Miss Lily at two weeks:

  • She is pretty much a rock star.
  • She sleeps. She eats. She poops.
  • She is fulfilling her end of the deal. I love that.
  • At night, she is averaging anywhere from 4 to 6 hours of sleep at a time. 
  • During the day, she’s eating regularly every 2 hours and napping frequently.
  • She doesn’t cry or scream when Luke is in her face or poking at her.
  • She really doesn’t cry or scream at all.  She squeaks. And grunts.

This is all completely opposite of Mr. Colicky-Baby Luke.

I don’t know if this is just a Second Kid Standard, but I’m sold on this kind of kid.

A little about Luke being a big brother at two weeks:

  • He is quite “Lenny” about his little sister.  (from Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men)
  • He doesn’t quite get the idea about being “gentle” so we’re working on “don’t pet the rabbit so hard, Lenny.”
  • Luke wants to be around Lily all the time. Mostly he just wants to wake her up to talk to her and poke at her.
  • I love that he loves her, but holy cow . . . relax, Luke!

We are loving having Lily in our family – she is such a precious, sweet little girl.

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