Monday, February 27, 2012

Catching Up

Will I ever get back to Christmas and Thanksgiving? Will I ever get caught up? Probably not.  *sigh* So I’ll give a few snippets and hope for the best.

What I should be doing: Grading. Grades are due on Friday. Yikes.

What I am doing: Blogging. And Blog-stalking.  Feeling guilty that I should blog more frequently, but feeling guilty that there’s a pile of grading stacked by the door that will simply travel back to school tomorrow.

I will blog. Then sleep.


Luke and his most best friend Jake had an ice cream and movie night.  Luke just loves his buddy.  It really is about the sweetest thing.


They watched Cars 2. I fell asleep.

Luke still has Sally and his thumb. Thank goodness.


We went as a big ol’ family to Tahoe in January. On the way we stopped in Fairfield to tour the Jelly Belly Factory.  Free! Yay!  We had to wear silly hats.  I was impressed Luke was agreeable.  These days, it doesn’t seem to matter what I say – if I say it, he doesn’t want it.

With Gramma and Papa – I love my happy boy!


Patiently waiting.  I was surprised how interested he was in everything.  He liked the giant factory robots. Imagine that.


We stopped at a place for lunch known for their “cheese skirt” burgers.  I have eaten a great many greasy, unhealthy things, but even this was a bit much for me.


I have never been to Tahoe in the summer, only the winter.  So I have certainly never seen a snow-less Tahoe.  Freaking BIZARRE.  We still walked around . . . in the sand. Papa and cousin Collin.


Me and my Mom. Me in all of my “I’m-on-vacation-so-I-don’t-wear-make-up” glory. Yikes.


Playing “Hi Ho Cherry-O” with Gramma and Papa.  It was good to have some quiet time activities.  We still hunted out the snow and went sledding in a few places.  Those pics are on my other camera, so they will be later.  Let’s just say, my child is a daredevil and I’m so happy that we made it through in one piece.  He was bound and determined to ski this year, but we were able to put it off until next year.


For Luke’s birthday, we let him pick out a big-boy bike.  I had a few coupons and a few bikes were on sale, so we went for it.  Surprisingly, did not pick out a Spiderman or Cars bike, but chose a “Shark” bike, which is really a Jet Fighter bike that has the shark on the side.


Didn’t take him long to really get moving.  Todd runs next to him now.  I walk behind and at the end of every block, he stops, jumps off and runs back to me.  Then we walk back to his bike together, where he hops on, speeds off and repeats the same process over and over again. Noella = not running.


I swear, he was just a baby . . . now he’s a big boy pedaling as fast as he can. I certainly can’t keep up!


Which then brings me to part of the reason that I have disappeared and been so exhausted . . .

Baby Bickel #2 expected to arrive this summer: August 22nd! We are thrilled beyond words (Luke a little less so) and are looking forward to our new addition. 

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