Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Soccer time!

Soccer has become quite the big deal in the Bickel household.  Mostly because Luke loves to be outside running and kicking stuff. In September, Luke was finally old enough to move on to “Big Kid” soccer, out on his own, instead of the “Mommy/Daddy & Me” classes.

I documented to “Placing of the Shinguards” and “Lacing of the Cleats” ceremonies. Luke was surprised and excited about all his new, fancy soccer stuff and he loved being “official.”  First game pictures to come!



One of my all time favorite Luke pictures. 


Because of winter, soccer has moved indoors, which I love.  I need to take some pictures of that, too.  We have Coach Scott as our coach and he really “gets” Luke, which is exceptionally helpful.  (ie: the insatiable energy)  Bonus: Coach Scott is the husband of my good friend at work who teaches 5th grade.  Everyone’s a winner!

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