Friday, August 26, 2011

Updates . . .

Curses! Another no picture blog update . . .

So life is chaos again, just when I thought I was out of the woods. So I'm on my very last credential class and I was rocking it, until . . . (dum dum DUMMMM)

Kidney stones.

That's right, I have kidney stones AGAIN. Seriously.

Started having pain last Friday, went into the doctor who told me it was a bladder infection and gave me antibiotics. When I mentioned that I thought it might be kidney stones, judging from the fact that the pain was in my KIDNEY not in my BLADDER, she blew me off. *sigh*

Started feeling better, but Saturday night, I was out for the count. I will post my whole kidney stone story as well as pics of my kidney stone buddy, Sherman. (Yes, my kidney stone has a name . . . doesn't yours?)

As for now, I am currently attempting to:
  • get my class ready for school to start on Monday
  • get all my paperwork ready for Monday
  • finish all my assignments (last week's HW that I missed due to THE STONE and this week's HW)
  • laundry? Maybe.
  • Oh, and blog. Hee hee.
So the story of Noella and Sherman will be coming to you soon, as it is a great tale of determination and destruction ("Sherman's March," if you will).

As for now, let the chaos continue!

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