Monday, June 27, 2011

Birthday Time!

or . . .

The Ol’ Gray Mare She Ain’t What She Used to Be.

**Before I start my pre-Birthday Birthday story, I would like to state that while I’m typing my blog, I’m having a glass of my fav beer (Rodenbach), eating my birthday cake and singing to an 80s medley. Happy Birthday to me!

Since Summer School was starting on my birthday this year (super lame), we decided (I decided) to celebrate on Sunday because I wanted breakfast. Seriously. I wanted to go out to eat for breakfast and my birthday seemed like a solid reason. I love breakfast. Oh, and I had a coupon. I love coupons. ($10 off – woot!)

So these are my boys at my birthday hoopla


But this is a more realistic picture. It could be one of my all-time favorites.


After breakfast, Todd had to get a few things ready in his classroom, so Luke and I played across the street at the park, which most involved him running. A lot.

Which led directly to naptime, to which I went to run errands.

While Mommy was away, the boys conspired to surprise me . . .

Take a what?

luke cake 4

Oh, a picture. I do that. I do it funny.

luke cake 1

Now, you might be saying to yourself . . . I see celebratory sprinkles in the cake, but they look . . . different.

And you’re right.

It’s a Christmas cake.


I stopped stocking cake mix because we weren’t using it. All we had was Christmas mix. Todd is such a sweetie – baking me a surprise birthday cake is awesome!

Todd also made delicioso dinner of some sort of pork tenderloin over garlic wilted spinich with horseradish mashed potatoes. Score!


The following is a photo montage of Luke attempting to get at the cake prior to candle lighting/singing.

“I didn’t touch it MOM.”


“I’m just kissing it Mom. I’m just KISSING it.”






“Do it right Daddy.”


My super helper!



Mommy did it!


Who likes cake?

I do!


What a great birthday! As always, Todd spoiled me and made me feel incredibly special.

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