Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Tantrum

Luke has some pretty epic tantrums, I will certainly be the first to admit that.

But when he has a tantrum, he has to pay for it. With Mommy bugging him until he stops. Watch the evolution of a tantrum unfold:

1. Luke is informed that it is time to do . . . (fill in the blank) and Ele-fun must be turned Ele-off. Luke collapses in a heap.

2. Mommy grabs camera to document tantrum to use as embarrassment in future.

3. "Stop! STOP! Don't take my picture." *giggle*

4. "Mommy, I'm mad. I'm MAD." Despairingly crawls away to find Daddy.

5. Daddy is non-responsive.

6. Luke crawls behind trash can knowing that it is super-icky back there and will make Mommy squeemish.

7. Luke commences playing on trash can. Mommy and Luke have punished each other equally.

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