Saturday, April 23, 2011

Kennedy Quinn

I have been blessed to know Debbie now for 15+ years. I was so excited when I found out she was expecting her first baby! She moved down to San Diego about 8 years ago, which was convenient as she lives not too far away from my MIL.

Also convenient, Debbie's due date was over my spring break, so there was at least a chance of me being around when her little girl arrived. Luckily, I arrived on Saturday and little Kennedy Quinn arrived on Sunday! So Monday I was able to get myself to the hospital for a quick visit. (Thanks again to my MIL who let me borrow her car!)

Kennedy is the sweetest, most mellow little girl. I was so glad I came the day after to visit because the mass of visitors had already come and gone and I was able to be selfish with Kennedy and hold her a ton. She just slept and slept and was calm as she could be.

Getting out of the parking structure was no easy feat after the visit. I swear I had gone and pulled out some cash, as I wasn't sure where I was going to park. And then, when it is time to pay, I can't find the cash for the life of me. I hate that. So I pulled over and completely pulled everything out of my purse, out of any bags . . . and NOTHING. So I had to run back into the hospital to find an ATM, where I promptly realized I had left my wallet in the car. So I had to run back to the car, get my wallet, then run back to the hospital, get the money and then run back to the car. All while I was parked illegally in the hospital clergy's parking spot. No harm, no foul, I suppose. But boy, was I ever mad.

It was great to catch up with the Dugan clan and I'm excited that I'll see them in another few months when summer break starts.

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