Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ear Infection

FYI: I am so out of chronological order, please do not look for any sort of pattern.

Back to info from January . . .

So in the course the month of January, Luke had three really high fevers, beginning in Tahoe and the final one on his birthday. Luke is not a sick kid - he's really very healthy, so we equated the successive fevers to starting preschool full time. By the third fever though, I was really concerned, as they were all getting up to 104-ish. My wonderful MIL stayed after Luke's birthday to watch my little sick one, including changing her flights to stay even longer. She's fabulous!

After taking Luke to the doctor, we discovered that Luke was the proud recipient of his first ear infection. The doctor said he had probably been fighting it the whole month and we just hadn't figured it out. He's such an agreeable kid, we really didn't notice.

Thanks to my MIL, we were able to survive the first ear infection and got that all out of the way! Luke really didn't seem to mind - he got to take all sorts of fun medicines, hang out in his jammies and watch tv with Nana - all day!

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