Sunday, January 2, 2011


Picking up where I left off: in San Diego.

So, yeah, the weather was terrible and there were still more places to go, so . . . we played in the car while one parent ran into wherever for whatever.

Of course we played with cars. Cause that's what we do.

And we practiced our happy face.

And our mad face.

And our sad face.

Okay, he really does do a better sad face - but he really struggles with sad. He always wants to laugh and smile.

I've discovered that Luke really will calm down and focus when he starts getting out of control in public if I ask him to practice his faces. He is such a ham.

The range of other faces:
  1. lizard face
  2. "hubba hubba" face
  3. thinking face
  4. surprised face
  5. cute face
These faces will eventually be captured and posted, I'm sure. (Just wait for "hubba hubba")

1 comment:

  1. You make me laugh every time I read your posts. Such a great sense of humor. Miss you, friend!
