Thursday, January 20, 2011

Explanation . . .

Hello, mid-t0-late January. Here are my December posts.

Life has been crazy hectic due to going back to work (vomit) and Luke being sick (bleh) and an overall feeling of being behind in all aspects of my life. I will eventually be preparing a pie chart to show exactly what my life is like at this time.

Wait . . . no, I'll do it now.

This is a serious unbalance in my life and I cross-my-heart I'm trying to fix it. I know I'm not the only one, but dang, this year, my kids are impossible and the support from parents, et al. is somewhat lacking. So every day is a struggle: emotionally and physically. Today was a good day (compared to what it has been lately) so I'm doing pretty good.

Is this how I want my life? No. I'm sure that I'm not the only one out there, though, being the martyr that I am (or feel like these days) I like to think so.

That being said, my little green "me" section is certainly getting better. I'm still going to trivia weekly and I'm getting back to scrapbooking with my buddies. More talking than scrapping, but that's what I need. I'm working on shrinking the blue and expanding the other categories. Perhaps that is what my New Year's Resolution is. Oh, that and losing 20 lbs.

And we just got word that one of the kids in Luke's class has whooping cough. Perfect.

But tomorrow is Friday, so I'm trying to be positive about that.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled blogging.

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