Monday, November 15, 2010

Grateful - Day 6

I am so thankful for reading - being able to read and finding books that make me happy, that I enjoy reading. Todd is a reader too, which I am also incredibly grateful for. Sharing books with him has been such a huge part of my life. When we combined our book collections, we noticed a great number of books we both had, as well as books that complimented our respective collections.

We already had a set of hard back Harry Potters (through Book 4), and we continued buying 2 of each, as we couldn't read together and neither was patient enough to wait for the other to finish first. We tried reading together - I am a speed reader who misses major plot points and has to flip back to fill in the missing gaps, while Todd reads carefully and methodically. Not a match!

Baby/Toddler books next to Calvin and Hobbes:

World War II, The Civil War and Ancient Greece. Between the two of us, our history classes were pretty diverse.
Byzantine Empire with Educational (Credential) books:

We have quite a random collection, but we love them all. I love that reading can so quickly and easily take me to anywhere my imagination will go. I hope that my love of reading - whether historical fiction or young adult books or comics or anything - will be passed onto Luke. He has memorized many of his books already and loves to "read" to us.

Reading is the key to so much in life . . .

I'm grateful to be a bibliophile!

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