Saturday, November 13, 2010

Grateful - Day 4

Delicious delicious sushi.

You know where they sell delicious delicious sushi on the cheap? My Safeway. No, not yours or your friend's Safeway, but mine. It is most tasty, even after being tossed in a bag and rushed back to my classroom.

You know what makes my sushi so full of awesomeness? The sushi makers. They are the nicest, most dear people. They know all about my life (I talk a lot) and I find out about what's going on in their lives. And they always know what I like on my sushi. They are quick with extra sauce and extra sesame seeds. They are so thoughtful and offer to make my sushi fresh. And, the secret ingredient is love.

They were the first people I told I was pregnant. I was so freakin' excited but it was too early to really tell anyone - so I told them. Now they keep up with Luke and I bring in his picture to share.

I do not suggest jumping in feet first with just any grocery store sushi. I have experienced other Safeway sushi and have had some disappointment. Now I've learned that it can only be my sushi at my Safeway.

(note: I am still trying to finish correcting the history tests that you can see in the picture. I'll get around to it soon enough.)

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