Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Grateful - Day 1

I'm starting a little late, but I'll join!

So many bloggers out in Blogsville, USA have been working this month on writing a daily "grateful" blog a day. I knew I had no chance of going the WHOLE month of November, so I thought I'd pick it up now, when my buddy Procrastination keeps reminding me I've got plenty of time for grading. Later.

I used to be very very good about writing in a daily "Grateful" journal, and I'm sure I'll refer back to that during the rest of the month.

You know what I'm grateful for?

Gold stars.

I'm a teacher through and through and I've always been a sucker for gold stars. There is something magic about the gold star that will really make you get things done. There is a sense of gratification and acknowledgment in such a small thing.

One of the teachers on my team and I are always after that "elusive gold star" - that feeling of knowing that you put in a lot of work and are appreciated for it. So this has been the year of really giving the parents so ridiculously adorable clip art. They can't get cranky if a low spelling test score has a cute lil' picture of a bear holding a heart, right?

As she says: "I could get kids to wash my windows for a sticker."

There is truly something magical about getting that gold star.

Every so often, I will just start giving out gold stars to other grown ups. At work, if someone goes out of their way to do something nice, I'll put a gold star on them. And you should see the way their face will light up. It's amazing - gold stars are not just for kids.

I am grateful for small, simple ways to feel acknowledged and let others know what they do is recognizable. What have you done today that should get a gold star?

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