Saturday, November 6, 2010


Luke has become quite the entomologist (plus spiders) and is very excited to find one of his buggie friends to (ahem) "play" with. It has become a very Lenny and the rabbits kind of situation . . . "not so hard Luke, the bug doesn't want to be pet so hard . . ." which is completely against my instinct to go running for a tissue or napkin to squish it good and hard. Till its dead. Really really dead. I'm also working on not passing on my irrational phobias.

That being said, Luke discovered a little pincher bug wandering around on our carpet and proceeded to follow him and bug him (har har) and try to pet him. Needless to say, the bug was not appreciative of the attention. I hope he went and told his little buggie friends that our home is not safe to visit due to the smallest human and his tendancy to pet too hard.

"Come here, bug! Come here!"

Petting his buggy friend . . .

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