Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Luke has been so excited about going to the pumpkin patch this year - the whole idea of pumpkins, going with his cousins, etc. has made this THE event of the year.

Little did I know how Luke would not be so agreeable to photos this year, unlike all the cutie pictures I got last year. Curses.

Uesugi Farms is the pumpkin patch to go to in the area and has everything from train rides to hay rides to mazes for adults and kids, pony rides and more. I'm usually the first in line for the corn on the cob (yum yum yum).

We went on the train first as that was Luke's main focus. On the train route, they've "hidden" five gold pumpkins, so the kids were intent on finding every one. Which they did, of course. But every time one of the kids pointed one out, Luke would shriek "GOLD PUMPKIN!!" as he is my passionate child.

They had fields of sunflowers, which I love. I love that they feel like a "happy" flower - they represent a great deal of good things in my life, so seeing fields of them was very special.

They had a hay bale area set up for the kids to run on and over and around and jump down into the middle. Luke was not as excited about the jumping part, but was definitely thrilled with the running part. Gracie and Collin were daredevils and jumping without concern. That is really impressive to Luke.

Gracie went on the pony ride, but Luke would have none of that. He just wanted to watch from afar and wave and shout to Gracie. The woman offered to let him just sit on the pony and that was not acceptable. He wouldn't even pet the pony. Fair enough.

The kids really loved the wooden cut-outs for pictures - Luke and Gracie had so much fun and looked cute together.

We hunted in the patch, Luke becoming very frustrated that he couldn't lift the big ones. The ones he could pick up, he enjoyed just dropping, like it was a ball. I was so glad that none of them cracked or broke. We found a Mommy pumpkin and a Daddy pumpkin and a little Luke pumpkin.

We also checked out the bee colony and Luke loved watching them - he pressed his little face right up to the glass and watched them carefully. He's my little etymologist.

Checking out the bees that were not contained.

We attempted to get another "Pumpkin-As-Hat" photo, but it was not to be. Again, not so agreeable with photos this year. Dang. But we were able to sneak a family picture in there, which I was glad about. I loved our last year pic, so I was hoping for another one. Pretty cute, it works. Todd is the most awesome husband ever: he wore the Halloween shirt I bought for him, even though he really didn't want to. But it made for great festive pics, which is what I'm all about.

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