Saturday, October 2, 2010


While Todd was off in Nor Cal for the Homebrew Club Festival, Luke and I were off to celebrate our good friends' daughter's first birthday.

Luke was fairly disinterested in most of the birthday extravaganza, but, of course, loved playing with his buddy, Jake. They are quite the pair, two little peas in a pod.

They mostly played with a little car - Luke was quick to get into pushing position while Jake held on. There were a variety of near misses, including but not limited to being pushed into:

* a brick wall
* the street
* a car
* children
* the bushes

When the time came to switch positions, Luke would have none of Jake pushing him. He kept yelling, "FASTER! FASTER, JAKE!" and would point forward with determination, "GO! GO THAT WAY!" and Jake would push at an even, reasonable pace.

So Luke had to jump off and just run. So Jake continued to push the little car and Luke ran alongside him. So they ran and ran and ran and ran. I don't even have a picture of the birthday girl due to chasing 2.5 yr old toddler. What a handful!

We had a lot of fun though - a first birthday party is more of a survival celebration for the parents after making it through the first year.

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