Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Simple Things

Labor Day Weekend turned out to be busier than I had planned, with Todd having friends visit from out of town. They had a great time and I laid pretty low at home. But on Monday, the family all got together at Dan's house for a bbq and sprinkler run through.

It goes without saying that all the cousins had a rip-roarin' time.
I present the following evidence:

Running, jumping, splashing, drinking, slipping, laughing, laughing, giggling, laughing, chasing, laughing.

But it couldn't be all crazy running time. There had to be a point where they stopped.

For popsicles, of course.

Luke got the "Incredible Hulk" popsicle, which created immense joy. (He has no idea who the Hulk is. It didn't matter.)

"Gracie?? Whatchu DOING?!?!"
"Making faces."

"Me too! Me too!!"

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