Monday, August 9, 2010

Party People!

There will be a special post for Brent and Sam's wedding, as it was a special day, but for now, we'll go with the "party people" post for now.

The last few weekends have been super busy, one wedding after another for the Mensday men weddings. Anytime the Mensday guys get together, you know there's going to be some serious dancing and serious fun.

Mostly, I'm just serious tired. *yawn*

Beautiful bride Sam with bridesmaids Allison and me.

Me with Sarah

Todd and Wags getting down wit their bad selves. (Yup, that's a HAT on Todd's head.)

This last weekend was Kate and Uriah's wedding up in the Santa Cruz mountains. The weather was beautiful, as was the view.

Todd, Crock and Alli

The menfolk enjoying the view

Aren't we cute?

We were sitting at the Vegas table. Mr. and Mrs. Vegas? You betcha.

Yeah, the boys had a really good time.
Trevor, Todd and Crock

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