Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Hydrangeas have always been one of my favorite flowers - I love that they take up a ton of room and I love that they are full of petals. I love that they come in blue (my favorite color) when other flowers don't. I've always wanted hydrangeas in my garden (and I use the term "garden" very loosely) but alas, I am not a girl with a green thumb.
Lucky for me, the former owners of our home had green thumbs and had planted a HUGE hydrangea bush. I was left directions on how to make them blue, but, well . . . I'm not that girl. So pink they are!
I love to look out my kitchen window on weekend mornings, when all the sunlight is blasting in, and see these gorgeous hydrangeas. They make me smile, which is always a good thing. Maybe next year, I'll trying my hand at getting them blue. But for now, this year, pink will do. (Hey! I made a poem!)
So if you're in the area, come see my beautiful hydrangeas that I had nothing to do with growing.

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