Thursday, June 24, 2010

Quick stop

Returning back home from San Diego, Todd was sweet enough to stop in LA to visit Loyola Marymount, my alma mater. I was thrilled - there have been so many changes since I graduated 8 (yikes!) years ago, including the brand-spankin' new library.

The library was stunning, I was jealous that it was built post-Noella years. Tons of light, tons of books and lots of cozy nooks to read in. Luke loved the library - we told him that this was where books lived - he liked that idea a lot.

We walked all over the campus and checked out how things had changed and how they had stayed the same. It was orientation weekend for the incoming freshman, so it was cute to see all the "2014" stuff everywhere. Mostly it made me feel old as I'm turning *gulp* THIRTY this month.

But Luke was able to run around and stretch his legs out, which was most important.

Then he crashed out. Blessed Benadryl.

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